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威尼斯电玩城手游成长-可再生自然-气-足迹-社会- 1200 x675.jpg



可再生天然气 (RNG) is a clean and reliable fuel that is often made from…drumroll, 请……动物粪便! As that waste breaks down, it produces methane, a naturally occurring greenhouse gas. 甲烷被捕获, 从大气中消除它, 然后加工成一种能源. This helps to meet a growing energy demand, while transitioning to cleaner sources of energy.

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•第一步:从各种来源收集有机废物, 例如堆填区, 农场及污水处理设施.
第二步:温室气体, 包括甲烷, 是从废物中捕获的吗, 防止其释放到大气中.
•第三步:甲烷, 它比二氧化碳的排放量强25倍, 在现有的能源基础设施中使用时是否经过清洁和调节.
• Step 4: This RNG is transported along pipelines to homes, businesses and transportation.


RNG functions like natural gas that we have been using for decades to power homes, 学校和公共服务. RNG is the product of the decomposition of organic matter—such as waste from cows, hogs or chickens; waste from landfills; or even wastewater sludge—that has been processed to meet purity standards. Just like natural gas that is produced from deep within the Earth’s surface, with cleaning and conditioning RNG can meet all pipeline tariff requirements for gas quality and integrated into existing natural gas infrastructure with construction of an interconnect.



TC Energy’s experience in transporting renewable natural gas dates to 2002, when it first connected a landfill site in Canada to our Trans-Québec and Maritimes Pipeline. 在美国.S., our pipeline system has been transporting RNG since 2005 with our Davison RNG Project in Davison County, 密歇根.

威尼斯电玩城手游的投资组合现在包括12个跨qu忧郁的互连, 密歇根, 肯塔基州, 密苏里州, 俄勒冈州和威斯康辛州——增长机会正在酝酿之中. 威尼斯电玩城手游的加拿大和美国.S natural gas system is currently capable of delivering 8 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per year of RNG from farms and lanfills – and has another 30 Bcf per year of RNG projects in the works.

威尼斯电玩城手游的主动互联之一是 三哩峡谷农场的合作伙伴 在俄勒冈州, which produces enough RNG from livestock on the farm to help bring natural gas to consumers in California. 投资减少了大约136,000 tonnes/year of CO2 equivalent – the same amount as the annual greenhouse gas emissions from 29,500辆乘用车或从能耗16,300个家庭.


威尼斯电玩城手游有三个有效的互连 在密苏里州. 在全速运转的情况下,威尼斯电玩城手游密苏里州的互联系统将达到2个.每天从生猪粪便中产生100万立方英尺的可再生天然气, 避免一些,800 tonnes per year of CO2 equivalent—comparable to the emissions of roughly 9,一年驾驶300辆乘用车.


Our RNG capability is expanding with new interconnects being added each year and commercial discussions in progress as many of our customers are interested in the carbon-neutral energy opportunity. We expect to continue to grow our RNG interconnect footprint in the coming years, as this technology becomes more accessible and awareness of RNG is increased. Learn more about how RNG is helping with the energy transition through the RNG联盟威尼斯电玩城手游很自豪能成为其中的一员!

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